How to Make an IBC Wicking Bed – 2 Ways

What is a Wicking Bed? A wicking bed is a type of self-watering raised garden bed that is both water...

Best All-Purpose DIY Garden Bed Covers

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that saying proves to be true when it comes ...

How to Make an Easy DIY Worm Farm

Farming worms at home for the benefit of the garden is so fun and easy you can even get the kids inv...


Composting Bin Test

There are a few rules, do’s and don’ts to making compost in this way, so I thought I would start...

How to Make a Sump System for Rainwater Collection

Feeling limited by your water tank capacity? Need to store more water but can’t fit the tanks ...

Hedgehog Hibernation House

Besides being totally adorable and super cute looking, hedgehogs are really useful animals to have i...

Issues with Powdery Mildew- My Geodesic Dome Greenhouse Part 3

This article is a follow-up to ‘Problems with Light-My Geodesic dome Greenhouse Part 2’....

5 Self-Sufficient Gardening Projects for Beginners

A guest post authored by Lauren Schwartz of There’s more to self-sufficient ga...

Chicken Feed Scooper Made From Coke Soda Bottle

Make a free DIY chicken feed scooper today! Here's a nice simple tip to make a DIY scooper for t...
