Brands I Work With & Products I Recommend

Over the years, I’ve purchased and used a ton of products to help do what I do here on our property, and I like sharing this information with you. One way I earn money is through affiliate links whereby I recommend a product, Brand, or service via a link on my Website, and if you click on these links and then subsequently make a purchase, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you – it’s a win-win!

But there’s more! Often, I will negotiate a DEAL with these Brands to SHARE my commission with YOU so that you can purchase the product at a discounted rate. Also, I am very particular about who and what Brands I work with so that when I do recommend something to you, it’s a product or brand I truly believe in and not just a way to earn a quick buck.

The following lists are links to Brands and Products I use or have used that I rate highly and recommend:

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We all like free stuff and to keep Self Sufficient Me online does cost money in internet charges, Website maintenance, and hosting fees. Also, as most people would appreciate, a great deal of effort and time goes into creating the content thousands of people enjoy for free when they visit our Website every week!

Therefore, we have established relationships with affiliates and sponsors to receive a small commission when someone follows a link from our Website to them and subsequently buys a product. However, it’s important to note Self Sufficient Me will not directly promote products we don’t think are any good and our articles/media will reflect an unbiased opinion regardless. These values are important to us and to our supporters who often visit our site looking for reliable information about various items or products.

You help support our Website by checking out products we link to here on Self Sufficient Me.

Some of our affiliate partners are:

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