Brands I Work With & Products I Recommend
Over the years, I’ve purchased and used a ton of products to help do what I do here on our property, and I like sharing this information with you. One way I earn money is through affiliate links whereby I recommend a product, Brand, or service via a link on my Website, and if you click on these links and then subsequently make a purchase, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you – it’s a win-win!
But there’s more! Often, I will negotiate a DEAL with these Brands to SHARE my commission with YOU so that you can purchase the product at a discounted rate. Also, I am very particular about who and what Brands I work with so that when I do recommend something to you, it’s a product or brand I truly believe in and not just a way to earn a quick buck.
The following lists are links to Brands and Products I use or have used that I rate highly and recommend:

Birdies Garden Products
Birdies (another family small business with a great idea and lovely people) were the first in the world to make, and retail raised garden beds made from aluzinc and I immediately fell in love with them because I had been searching for a way to make gardening easier for myself with all my many ailments!
I’ve been using Birdies Garden Beds since 2008. Stand-up gardening, less bending, and less effort, makes gardening more fun and accessible to more people plus the aluzinc raised garden beds themselves are a top product! Highly durable, long lasting, strong, and they look AWESOME.
If you are in the USA, check out my mate Kevin – from Epic Gardening here and use SSME2020 on checkout for 5% off.
In Australia, go to Birdies Garden Products Australia and use code SSMEbird for a 5% discount, or in New Zealand, go to Birdies Garden Products NZ and use Code ssmebird22 for 5% off your first purchase.

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer
Harvest Right is the inventor and manufacturer of the world’s first home appliance freeze dryer – an absolute game changer for backyard preserving!
Follow this link here to the Harvest Right Website and check out their freeze dryer range.
The applications for freeze-dried foods are endless, and I’m making up new treats and condiments all the time, from powdered herbs to crunchy banana chips.

Hoselink is a great family business with a typical story of what hard work and passion can create. Their products are developed out of solving problems for gardeners and anyone who has ever been frustrated when a hose or connection doesn’t operate as it should. Plus, the people who run the company are nice, down-to-earth, and fair.
Use this link here to automatically get 10% off your purchase from the Hoselink store

Plant Doctor
If you’re looking for top environmentally friendly fertilisers, tonics, and other essential plant products, this is the online store to browse. The Plant Doctor’s main HQ is situated down the Gold Coast QLD, Australia. They are a family-run and owned business and I have visited them personally for a tour of their store and factory.


Australian Landscape Supplies
Australian Landscaping Supplies is a great alternative to Bunnings to get your gardening products. They stock high quality supplies made by fire dinkum Aussie businesses. Follow this link to get 10% discount on your order or use SELF_SUFFICIENT_ME code at checkout.

Garden Tools Australia
Want some indestructible garden tools for a great price? Garden Tools Australia send their famous garden tool sets all around the world! Aussie-made Forged garden tools: Go to this link at Garden Tools Australia and use code SSM10 for a 10% discount at checkout.

Survival Seeds Australia and USA
Heirloom, Non-GMO Seedss yield healthier, tastier produce compared to hybrid/GMO seeds, and because they’re heirloom, you can save and replant them for generations.
Survival Seeds Australia and USA go here for more info and use Code SSM at checkout for a 10% discount.
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Advertising and Sponsorship on our Website
We all like free stuff and to keep Self Sufficient Me online does cost money in internet charges, Website maintenance, and hosting fees. Also, as most people would appreciate, a great deal of effort and time goes into creating the content thousands of people enjoy for free when they visit our Website every week!
Therefore, we have established relationships with affiliates and sponsors to receive a small commission when someone follows a link from our Website to them and subsequently buys a product. However, it’s important to note Self Sufficient Me will not directly promote products we don’t think are any good and our articles/media will reflect an unbiased opinion regardless. These values are important to us and to our supporters who often visit our site looking for reliable information about various items or products.
You help support our Website by checking out products we link to here on Self Sufficient Me.
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These are the Google display ads you see usually at the top or bottom of our Website or embedded in articles. Yes, they can sometimes be a little unsightly – I agree… However without advertising, publishers like us would die out and the internet would be left with only big companies pushing their products onto everyone. Monopolies are bad for humanity! Therefore, if you are blocking advertising please turn it off for our Website – thank you so much.
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