
Rooster in ferns Australorp hen front Coq au Vin first image

Do I Keep My Rooster Or Turn Him Into Coq au Vin?

Article updated April 2015  Some people struggle with the thought of owning a rooster and wonder if they should keep one with their flock. Others, wish they hadn’t got a rooster and now want to get rid of him. I can’t make the decision to get, keep, or remove a rooster for anyone; however, I

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How To Slaughter (Or Kill) A Home-Grown Chicken To Eat

  (This article was reviewed on 30 Mar 2013) I recently wrote about keeping roostersand what they taste like if a person decides to get rid of their rooster and eat him. However, I didn’t elaborate on the slaughtering process and just what steps actually need to be taken to get the chicken from the

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No name chinese incubator

Cheap Chinese Chicken/Poultry Incubators – Do they work? Jn8-48

The death of my American Hovabator incubator Updated on 12 Dec 2015 When my American Hovabator incubator died, it put me into a bit of a spin because I essentially wasted about 60 quail eggs due to the thermostat packing it in. Basically, the temperature soared overnight to past 120 F and the developing embryos

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rooster walking on sleeper path 2 with paving in background

Low Cost Paving/Flooring Ideas For Your Chicken Pen

Keeping chickens isn’t a difficult thing to do but you do have to get some of the fundamentals right and one of those areas is flooring. In particular, the flooring areas within the coop itself and any areas you (or the kids) have to regularly walk over to gather eggs or maintain the pen. Large

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Best Drinkers For Chickens And Other Poultry

Article updated on 7 May 2015  As a follow-up to my article on “Different types of chicken feeders” I thought I would write about what I consider to be the best drinkers for chickens and indeed other poultry. At the same time, this article will also cover some simple rules for chicken drinkers, various types

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Breeding Jumbo Quail at the Homestead

In a world where just about everything is supersized up, quail are no exception – welcome to the world of giants and Jumbo quail… Whether you call them Coturnix quail, Japanese quail, or Pharaoh quail, they all pretty much mean the same thing – a small domesticated breed of poultry. They come in various colours

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Do Domestic Ducks Need a Bucket, Pond, or Dam?

Those who think ducks only require a bucket of water to keep them happy are plainly wrong. Ducks will survive with access to just a humble bucket but they won’t be happy about it and anyone who claims otherwise is delusional!  I’ve only had ducks for about 18 months, as at the date of this

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python with possum in belly

Protecting Your Chicken or Poultry Pen from Snakes

This article was updated on 27 Oct 2015 Summer in Queensland, Australia (where I live) means snake season and it’s the same for many other places around the world. Snakes are fine in the wild but around the home they are not so welcome and if you keep chickens you can be rest assured snakes

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Chicken Feeder Wars – Royal Rooster Vs Dine-a-Chook

There’s a power struggle happening in the chicken feeder business between two emerging chicken feeder backyard manufacturing “giants” called Royal Rooster and Dine-a-Chook. Both chicken feeder manufacturers have a large presence on eBay because there’s no better place to test out a home-made idea or invention and see if a market can be created. If

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heritage hatchlings

Brisbane Based Chicken Breeder Heritage Hatching & Hens Review

If you are looking to buy chickens or other poultry in the Brisbane and surrounding areas it’s hard to go past Heritage Hatching & Hens as the place to go.    Brisbane based chicken breeder Heritage Hatching & Hens has turned a hobby into a growing small business in selling purebred chickens and in my

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My 6 Recommendations For Keeping Ducks In The Backyard

This post gives a simple guide and my six recommendations for keeping ducks in the backyard like: eating and drinking needs, habitat requirements, sociability, and general care. Some people may not realise that ducks are as easy to keep as chickens but to ensure this special breed of poultry is kept happy in the backyard

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quail coturnix japanese sitting on eggs

Breeding Japanese or Coturnix Quail – A Backyard Guide

This is a simple guide about breeding Japanese or coturnix quail in the backyard and basically my assessment of the most relevant information people need to know for breeding new quail stock and practically how I breed my own quails. I've tried to write this article based on my experiences and incorporate my thought processes

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Can You Keep Ducks & Chickens Together?

Yes, you can keep ducks and chickens together is the short answer but there are some special considerations to be made if you plan to keep both of these beautiful poultry breeds side-by-side. Therefore, in this short article I’ve selected the most important areas to consider when keeping ducks and chickens together pointing out where

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How to Get Different Coloured Chicken Eggs Naturally

We all know the benefits of keeping chickens and producing your own eggs but how about being really different and producing a carton of eggs with several different colours like: white, chocolate, brown, speckled, and even blue!   Yes that’s right, chicken eggs can come in a variety of different colours and even multi-coloured so what

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huntsman-spider chicken

Chickens are smart and I can prove it!

Before I get into my little story, which proved to me beyond doubt how chickens can learn from a single experience and remember it for years, I would like to quickly outline some other observations and opinions I have about them. Also, at the end of this post are two videos: the first one is

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duck swimming in dam

Ducks Eating Into Dam/Pond Wall Fix

This article was updated on 14 Apr 2015  When I first built our duck dam/pond I never imagined these cute waddling birds could do so much damage with their bills to the walls! Seemingly overnight, our ducks had eaten away large segments of dam wall where the water lapped the earth and caused so much

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