Manure Tea

Manure tea is exactly what it says it is- a ‘tea’ (aka fertiliser) for your plants, made...

DIY Garden Tool Cleaning Hack

Banish rusty garden tools for good with this easy DIY cleaning & sharpening hack! Rusty, over-us...

Composting Bin Test

There are a few rules, do’s and don’ts to making compost in this way, so I thought I would start...


The Road to Self-Sufficiency: Buying Quality Handmade Goods

we can reduce our consumer spending and reliance on overseas-produced goods by buying high-quality l...

Self Sufficient YOU

The world changed for most of us, sooner or later. Some very much so, and others not so much. Lifest...

Unsustainable Population Growth – The Human Mouse Plague

Australian millionaire businessman Dick Smith, founder of Dick Smith's Electronics, has launched...
