
Our Kid’s School Shuns Climate Change Strike

There has been a whole lot of hot wind today and also over the past few weeks about the climate change strike by school students supposedly happening tomorrow across Australia. I say "supposedly," because my kids don't know anything about any so-called climate change strike at all. Nothing. Nada. Sweet FA (Fanny Adams). Why is that…?

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School Crossing Dodge – Frustrations of Home Dad

If you are ever wondering past a school in Queensland and you hear someone yelling out of their car window, "use the school crossing – don't be lazy!" That's probably me…  I'm sick to death of seeing high school students playing chicken with my 4×4 because one day instead of me it will be a

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School’s NOT SunSmart & FAIL to Protect Kids From Skin CANCER

If you think your child's school has a good Sun Smart policy then you might want to double check before it's too late because just as I (and unfortunately my son) found out, using the catch phrases like: "sun aware or sun smart," doesn't necessarily mean the school will care… Background  On the 28th of Oct,

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