
Take a Closer Look at Your Food Garden for Beneficial Animals

Heard of the saying, see the forest for the trees? Well, how about see the animals for the vegetables..? Frog on a radish leaf  in a raised garden bed (image above) And I'm not just talking about pests either because whilst most gardeners look for pests when they inspect their plants it's often the good animals that

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Beat Fruit Fly In QLD – Grow Winter Fruits

Some fruits to grow in winter to prevent fruit fly strike  Fruit fly in Queensland can become a real pain for the backyard grower turning beautiful fruit and vegetables into a rotten mess. However, there are ways to control this awful pest and one of the most effective but not often considered is growing crops best

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Cabbage White Butterfly – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

Pest Collection 1 – Cabbage White Butterfly Common Name: Cabbage white butterfly Scientific Name: Pieris rapae Order: Lepidoptera Host plant where found: Red cabbage – Family veggie patch. Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Ornamentals-stock, wallflower, geranium, mignonette, nasturtium, spider flower. Vegetables – broccoli, gabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, radish, mustard, kale, turnip. Field

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Citrus Bud Mite – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

 Pest Collection – Citrus Bud Mite (deformed fruit) Common Name: Citrus Bud Mite Scientific Name: Eriophyes sheldoni Order: Acarina Host plant where found: Lemon tree (Citrus limon) in an ornamental garden setting. Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Citrus trees Damaging stage (s): Both nymphs and adults feed by sucking sap from

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Rose Scale – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

  Pest Collection – Rose Scale Common Name: Rose Scale Scientific Name: Aulacaspis rosae Order: Hemiptera Host plant where found: Roses Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Rose, loganberry, raspberry and blackberry. Also, seen rose scale on mulberries and some stone fruit trees. Rose Scale covering rose stems (image above) Damaging stage

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Rose Aphid – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

Pest Collection – Rose Aphid Common Name: Rose Aphid Scientific Name: Macrosiphum rosae Order: Hemiptera Host plant where found: Rose (Rosa spp.) Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Roses Rose Aphids gathering on stem (image above) Damaging stage (s): Adults and nymphs feed by piecing plant tissue and sucking sap. Direct feeding

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Bronze Orange Bug – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

Pest Collection – Bronze Orange Bug Common Name: Bronze orange bug Scientific Name: Musgraveia sulciventris Order: Hemiptera Host plant where found: Orange tree (Citrus sinensis) Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Citrus trees The image above shows the nymph stage of the bug the final adult is much larger with a hard outer

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Pittosporum Leafminer – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

Pest Collection – Pittosporum leafminer Common Name: Pittosporum leafminer (lumps on leaves) Scientific Name: Phytobia pittosporphyllii Order: Diptera Host plant where this example was found: Native Daphne (Pittsporum undulatum Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Pittosporum spp. Predominantly P.undulatum/native lily pily Damaging stage (s): Female flies lays eggs below the epidermis on leaf

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Pod Sucking Bug

Pod sucking bugs are not a good find in the garden Common Name: Pod sucking bug Scientific Name: Riptortus serripes  Order: Hemiptera Family: Alydidae (Broad headed Bugs) Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Native seed pods and bean pods in vegetable garden. The image in this post is of a pod sucking

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olive pest lace bug beign attacked by a spider

The Good Bug, Bad Pest, and Ugly Diseases In Our Backyard Gardens

If anyone is still undecided as to whether insecticides are dangerous to humans then they should read the news today about 20 school children who died in India over the past 24 hours after eating a school prepared meal, which allegedly had not been washed correctly before cooking. Apparently, insecticide was still on and in

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