Citrus Bud Mite – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

 Pest Collection – Citrus Bud Mite (deformed fruit)

Common Name: Citrus Bud Mite

Scientific Name: Eriophyes sheldoni

Order: Acarina

Host plant where found: Lemon tree (Citrus limon) in an ornamental garden setting.

Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Citrus trees

Damaging stage (s): Both nymphs and adults feed by sucking sap from leaves.

Direct feeding damage: Severely deformed fruit

Indirect damage: None observed and none noted

Method of feeding: Both adults and nymphs have piercing and sucking mouthparts.

Life cycle: Gradual metamorphosis – eggs, several nymphal stages, adult nymph.

Spread: By crawling from plant to plant. By wind, birds or insects. By movement of infested plant material.

Conditions favouring: Warm weather, both dry and humid.

Distinguishing features for identification: Very small- 0.2mm in length, elongated tapered body, only two pairs of legs located at head. Could only identify with 40 x magnification due to small size.

Control options available for this situation: Miticide such as Calibre; (hexythiazox); organic oil based mite treatments

Identification reference (including page no): Plant protection 3, f 39 and f 46; Plant protection 1, 199 – 205

The above information was kindly donated by Werner (Horticulturalist)




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