How to Combat Gall Wasp

Gall wasp is a problem to all types of citrus trees in many parts of Australia. Whether you grow lim...

How to Grow Finger Limes

Finger limes are an unusual citrus fruit which are native to subtropical Australia. They taste just ...

Summer Citrus Tree Care

Citrus are great host trees for all sort of critters- some of them beauties, some of them beasties. ...


What’s Wrong With My Lemon Tree The Fruit Tastes Awful?

The other day, I received an email from Nytasha asking me if I could help her find out what was wron...

Citrus Bud Mite – Bad Bug To Have In Garden Pest

 Pest Collection – Citrus Bud Mite (deformed fruit) Common Name: Citrus Bud Mite Scientif...

Grow a Meyer Lemon Tree & Make Unbelievable Jam/Marmalade!

If you want an easy, no fuss, fruit tree to grow, then the Meyer lemon tree would have to be without...
