
Ginger & Walnut Cake with Vanilla Buttercream

Ginger & walnut cake with vanilla buttercream seamlessly blends gingers spicy warmth with the satisfying crunch of walnuts…and it may well become your next classic. Each slice is a celebration of flavours—warm ginger, earthy walnuts, and creamy vanilla. Ideal for parties or morning teas, this recipe is both simple and indulgent, catering to bakers of

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Banana Peel Cacao Cake

Did you know you can eat banana peels? I didn’t either, until recently. I immediately started to think about what I could make with them. My mind went straight to sweets, and after some trial and error, I decided this banana peel cacao cake recipe was good enough to share with you. When you are

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Mulberry & Lime Zest Drizzle Cake

Cake is the most delicious way to showcase fresh fruit from your own backyard- and when mulberries are in season, there’s never a shortage! This mulberry & lime zest drizzle cake is our take on the traditional lemon drizzle cake. It’s more substantial, incredibly moist, and has a perfect balance between sweet & zingy fruit.

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Custard Apple & Cinnamon Teacake

A new take on an old favourite is always fun- but when the main ingredient comes from your own backyard, it’s even better! Blessed with a pest-free winter crop of custard apples, I’ve adapted the traditional teacake to allow the humble custard apple to shine. Custard apples are a fruit that many of us grew

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Lemon Slice

Bring back the slice, I say- because this classic sweet treat is seriously underrated! A delight to serve to guests, perfect for lunchboxes & ravenous-teenager afternoon teas, lemon slice is an all-round winner. Easy to make and even easier to eat, the intense yet perfectly balanced flavours in this lemon slice simply melt in your

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Pumpkin, Rosemary & Poppy Seed Cake Bites

The taste and texture of these pumpkin, rosemary & poppy seed cake bites strike a perfect balance. Think swoon-worthy sweet pumpkin pie with a light crunch from the poppy seeds. Think perfectly moist cake that’s as easy to eat as a biscuit…they’re all that and more. Naturally, freshly-picked organic, home-grown ingredients give the best flavour.

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Dutch Ontbijtkoek

This typical Dutch ontbijtkoek literally translates as ‘breakfast cake’. It is a rather fitting name as this is a dish we “Dutchies” like to eat for breakfast. But we also eat it as a snack and/or with lunch. So it is not limited to breakfast at all-eat it whenever you fancy! This Dutch ontbijtkoek recipe

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Almond Apple Cake

When you want to make an apple cake, but just a little different in flavour, than this almond apple cake is perfect! Its richness is so comforting, what’s not to love? This almond apple cake is a different take on a traditional apple cake. Instead of the classic apple/cinnamon/raisin combination, I’ve switched out the raisins

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Carrot Cake

This carrot cake with warming spices and dried apricots is so very more-ish! There’s no need to feel guilty either; it’s vegan, gluten free and contains no refined sugars. We eat this carrot cake for breakfast, lunch and dessert! If you can make this carrot cake last for longer than one day, you have amazing

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