
How to Grow Cranberry Hibiscus

An African native that thrives in subtropical gardens, cranberry hibiscus is showy, edible, easy-care and quick to establish. A valuable plant in any type of garden, cranberry hibiscus will appeal to ornamental and food gardeners alike. What is Cranberry Hibiscus? Thought to be a hybrid of two wild species, the exact origin of cranberry hibiscus

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Why You Need to Grow Comfrey

Comfrey is an herbaceous perennial herb originating in Europe. A fast-growing plant belonging to the borage family, comfrey doesn’t provide fruit yet has the widest range of uses in a permaculture system of any plant. If you’re aiming to take steps towards self-sufficiency, this is a must-have plant in your garden system. How Do I

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Relax, It’s Just Compost! Hot Vs Cold (Passive) Composting

In the past few years, the Art of Gardening has gained tremendous popularity, to the point where it is now mainstream. Students, teachers, grandmums and neighbours are all doing it. It’s the “in thing”! Gardening is cool! Let’s keep it that way! With the rise of gardening, resources and articles are globally produced, providing us

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Putting Permaculture into Practice

The best place to start with permaculture is your own backyard. That might be as small as a paved courtyard or as big as a farm; either way, anyone can put permaculture into practice. Permaculture is a flexible system that caters for every type of property. It allows you to start small, and build up

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Permaculture what is the point graphic

Self Sufficiency – Forget Permaculture Rules & Just Follow Your Heart

In today’s society we’re constantly bombarded by rules and regulations making us conform to a certain set of community values and logic. Largely, these values, rules, and regulations are good to have and keep our communities organised and functioning. However, the sheer overall success of implementing and upholding laws both locally and globally has led

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