How to Plant & Grow Avocado Trees in Clay Soil

I've learnt the hard way when it comes to growing avocado trees. Scroll to the end of this artic...

How to Grow a Lot of Limes on Just One Tree – Organically

Lately, I have been sent several requests by viewers of my YouTube Channel to "transcribe"...

What’s Wrong With My Lemon Tree The Fruit Tastes Awful?

The other day, I received an email from Nytasha asking me if I could help her find out what was wron...


Best Places to Buy Plants & Seeds Online

Article updated on 9th November 2017 – Added additional retailer to list Most of us realise (a...

Growing Grumichama Fruit Tree/Shrub Tips in Your Backyard

Growing conditions for the Grumichama Growing Grumichama plants (Eugenia Dombeyi) as a backyard frui...

Fruit Tree Diversity For Healthy Eating All Year Round

When I walk around the supermarket fruit aisles, all I see is ever increasing prices for a shrinking...
