Search Results for: dessert

Low-Fat Ginger & Date Slice

A guilt-free sweet treat that’s quick to make & uses home-grown ginger… low-fat ginger & date slice will have everyone coming back for more! We’ve crafted a whole new range of ginger recipes this year, to give you a range of goodies to make from your harvest. We’ve found that once once you start growing

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Ginger & Walnut Cake with Vanilla Buttercream

Ginger & walnut cake with vanilla buttercream seamlessly blends gingers spicy warmth with the satisfying crunch of walnuts…and it may well become your next classic. Each slice is a celebration of flavours—warm ginger, earthy walnuts, and creamy vanilla. Ideal for parties or morning teas, this recipe is both simple and indulgent, catering to bakers of

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Spicy Ginger Syrup

Growing up, I vividly recall Mum’s remedy for our childhood stomachaches—homemade ginger ale. Inspired by those memories, I ventured into creating my own homemade ginger syrup, perfect for mixing with sparkling water for a refreshing vitamin boost. Homemade ginger syrup is essentially a bunch of fresh ginger infused into a sugar syrup. The syrup itself

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Vanilla Nicecream

What do you do on a dark, cold and rainy afternoon? You go into the kitchen to make vanilla nicecream, right?!I may be the only pleasantly nutty person who does this, but I’d been wanting this vanilla nicecream for a while. So when I had some free time, I just went ahead and made it,

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Warm Passionfruit Souffle

Discover the delightful taste of a homemade warm passionfruit soufflé! This classic dessert is fairly bursting with tropical flavour- and it’s all the sweeter when made with fresh fruit from your own backyard. Enjoy the satisfaction of using your own passionfruit while creating a treat that’s both sweet and tangy. It’s a simple way to

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Grilled Figs w/Cinnamon Cheese + Blackberry

Take fancy dessert to the next level with our grilled figs w/cinnamon cheese + blackberry coulis! Figs have been a delicious delicacy for many centuries, and are thought to be one of the first fruits cultivated by humans. Integral to the history and ritual of ancient cultures, the fig has endured the test of time

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Quick Fruit Ice Blocks- Pineapple, Mint & Mango

There’s nothing more refreshing than an ice block on a hot day, and there’s nothing better than enjoying your home grown fruit at the same time. Whether you’re an adult or a child, ice blocks are always a fun treat- and you’ll happily bypass the sugar-laden commercial versions when you see how easy these are

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Double Pumpkin Pudding

This recipe for double pumpkin pudding is quick, easy, & delicious. Ever better, it uses leftover roast pumpkin, so nothing goes to waste! One part of this double pumpkin pudding is pumpkin and banana flavour and the other part is cacao flavour. Hence the ‘double’ in the name. I couldn’t choose which flavour I liked

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Banana Peel Cacao Cake

Did you know you can eat banana peels? I didn’t either, until recently. I immediately started to think about what I could make with them. My mind went straight to sweets, and after some trial and error, I decided this banana peel cacao cake recipe was good enough to share with you. When you are

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How to Use Lots of Passionfruit

It’s all very fun to grow a ton of food…until you don’t know what to do with it all. Produce gluts can be difficult, if not impossible, to avoid when you have fruit trees. There’s nothing a food gardener likes more than a big harvest, but it can be overwhelming when it comes all at

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Where to Buy Fruit Trees in Australia

With the ever-changing retail landscape and growth of online shopping, local nurseries are no longer omnipresent. So for beginner gardeners in particular, the path to a glorious home orchard might not be clear. It can be hard to know where to buy from and which varieties will be best for you. The visual appeal of

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Creamy Purple Yam Pudding (Ube Halaya)

Creamy purple yam pudding, also called ube jam, ube pudding, and ube halaya, is one of the coolest desserts you’ll ever make! At once striking, delicious and versatile, this is definitely one to make when you want the wow factor. A traditional Filipino dessert, ube halaya is a sweet, creamy pudding dessert that is made

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How to Grow Ube (Winged Yam)

What is Ube? Ube (dioscorea alata) is a perennial tropical vegetable that you may not have heard of. A specialty of south-east Asia, this purple winged yam is a low-GI, easy-to-grow staple that puts a lot of food on the table for minimal effort. Especially versatile in the kitchen, it can be used in both

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Red Currant Rice Pudding

Some dishes just brings warmth to your soul… this red currant rice pudding is one of those dishes. It brings back good memories of being at my grandparents house as a child. When the weather was cold, the kitchen was warm, in more ways than one. So much love in one bowl of food is

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Beetroot Pancakes

These beetroot pancakes can be made sweet or savoury- they’re both fantastic. And look at that colour…nothing ‘beets’ that colour! These beetroot pancakes are something I make on a regular basis, especially when the beetroot needs harvesting and using up. When I make these, I always split the batter in half and make one half

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How to Make Nut Creams (4 Variations)

Nut creams are a fresh, nutrient-rich alternative to traditional dairy cream, so can be eaten by vegetarians, vegans and carnivores alike. As the name indicates, nut creams are a cream made from nuts- and they really are creamy! If you’ve never made a nut cream before, I guarantee you’ll be delighted by the smooth, dairy-like

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Coconut & Lemon Macaroons

This recipe for coconut & lemon macaroons is so simple, anyone can do it. And let me tell you… they are gooooood. When I make these macaroons for guests or as a present, they go fast. There are often none left by the time I have poured the tea! But I don’t mind, that’s why

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Mulberry & Lime Zest Drizzle Cake

Cake is the most delicious way to showcase fresh fruit from your own backyard- and when mulberries are in season, there’s never a shortage! This mulberry & lime zest drizzle cake is our take on the traditional lemon drizzle cake. It’s more substantial, incredibly moist, and has a perfect balance between sweet & zingy fruit.

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Custard Apple & Cinnamon Teacake

A new take on an old favourite is always fun- but when the main ingredient comes from your own backyard, it’s even better! Blessed with a pest-free winter crop of custard apples, I’ve adapted the traditional teacake to allow the humble custard apple to shine. Custard apples are a fruit that many of us grew

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Lemon Slice

Bring back the slice, I say- because this classic sweet treat is seriously underrated! A delight to serve to guests, perfect for lunchboxes & ravenous-teenager afternoon teas, lemon slice is an all-round winner. Easy to make and even easier to eat, the intense yet perfectly balanced flavours in this lemon slice simply melt in your

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