New Zealand based lifestyle magazine NZ Life & Leisure (In Your Backyard) has included our firepit design in their latest release! 

Emma, the Magazine's Editor, contacted me several weeks ago requesting the use of our firepit design images and the steps to make it.

Naturally, I had no problem sharing this information with such a top publication and I was truly wrapped our humble firepit would be featured in their mag.

I must admit this particular type of firepit does look pretty good and is totally easy to make plus it works great for all types of outdoor cooking occasions. 

Firepits, in general, are versatile and can be used from BBQ to roasting to smoking and more, plus there are many different ways to build them but I think our design is one of the best – perhaps I'm biased…     

NZ Life & Leisure (In Your Backyard) is a very good publication with around 140 pages covering subjects such as outdoor cooking (hence the firepit), beekeeping, and general homestyle stuff.

They also create other publications centred around lifestyle and links to subscriptions or direct magazine purchases can be found on their Website This NZ Life here.

If you'd like more information on building this firepit, you can read about it in the latest Life & Leisure mag and/or visit this post on our forum or this article here on our blog or see the video below!

Feel free to share your firepit and cooking ideas here or over on our forum.