Most of us like to share memories, good times, achievements, etc and we often share these things through photos and videos. Today, I’m happy to announce our forum Self Sufficient Culture (SSC) has a photo and video gallery feature!

This means our members can share their self-sufficient exploits online for everyone to enjoy and learn about DIY, GYO, and self-sufficiency in general.    

Self-sufficiency means a great deal to me personally, my wife says I'm a changed man since having the opportunity only 6 years ago to follow my desire and grow my own food, build things, keep poultry, and learn about self-sufficiency. Of course, one of my biggest rewards (which came out of left field) is the joy I get from sharing my self-sufficient achievements either physically via family and friends or through my blog writing and interaction on our forum.

This is a screen print of our forum gallery at SSC (image above)

The "sharing feeling" through my self-sufficient journey so far was a totally unexpected and rewarding consequence beginning from family and friends asking me questions about little things like, “how did you grow this, or how did you make that?” People would ask me questions and then go and try it out themselves often reporting back to me with great success stories.

One day my wife said, “Why don’t you type some of these things/recipes/tips out on the computer so you don’t have to explain the same story over and over or write out instructions – just print them out instead? This got me thinking… And, a few months later I was editing my own blog, which has now developed into a modest blog/forum.

So I love sharing the “joys of self-sufficiency” and I really love hearing about other people’s self-sufficient experience and there’s no faster way to communicate this experience than through the power of images. Just look at the internet today and I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you the web is ruled by pictures and video.

That’s why I wanted a feature such as a gallery as part of SSC but I wanted it to be good stable software, easy to use, intuitive, plus eye-catching and I think it ticks all of those boxes!

Therefore, I’m happy for you to follow my blog here at Self Sufficient Me (more than happy actually); however, what would be great also is if you joined our forum and shared some of your experiences with me and our other members. If you prefer not to write too much that’s fine because by simply uploading your latest backyard vegetable to our gallery is worth… well, a thousand words.

I’m currently working on a bunch of tutorials on how to use our gallery and our forum in general for those people who are new to forum software and/or the online space altogether. You can find our tutorials here.

As a visitor, go and check out our gallery at SSC – I’m positive you’ll enjoy surfing through the images and albums. Hopefully, you’ll also join up and add to our gallery yourself… see you in the forum!

Mark Valencia – Editor SSM

Look, and see the Earth through her eyes…