G’day Fishos!

Welcome to our very first fishing post on Self Suffishing Me!

I’m very excited about our new fishing blog because I have loved fishing all my life, both as a recreational sport and as a way to hunt/fish for food to be more self-sufficient. So, for years, I wanted to integrate my love of fishing into our website, Self Sufficient Me.

Still, I just wasn’t sure how to do it realistically without creating a whole new website dedicated to fishing only, which I didn’t want to do simply because we have enough content platforms as it is to maintain. The problem was that we had a dedicated fishing channel on YouTube, because combining it with my gardening channel would have been an SEO and subscriber nightmare. Therefore, since the Channel was separate, the logical thing to do was to create its own website (which I didn’t want to do).

Thankfully, one thing led to another, and we hired a new development team who came up with our revamped Website theme of Farming/Fishing/Fitness under the umbrella of Self Sufficient Me. Pretty cool, hey… Well, I think it is. That way, we can keep the content separate if desired and combine (cross-pollinate) when needed because there are a lot of commonalities between these three disciplines regarding self-sufficiency.

school mackerel Moreton bay

For me, fishing (or hunting) is the most primal way of getting food to eat. Luckily, I don’t have to rely on catching fish to stay alive, as I imagine some of our ancestors did. However, just like backyard food gardening, fishing for your dinner has many benefits besides catching a “free” feed. And these benefits are also much the same!

For example, getting out into nature is good for us mentally and physically. Too often, we get stuck in the office or traffic getting to and from the office, and before we know it, months have gone by without our skin feeling any sunlight. I don’t care what anyone says; vitamin D in pill form is not as good as the real thing!

When you grow your food, you are satisfied that you grew it. Similarly, when you catch a fish, there’s excitement, exertion, and the thrill of the catch! As humans, these are necessary emotions buried in our DNA thousands of years ago from when we first learned to stand upright and suppressing them is hardly good for us.

So, this fishing blog aims to help inspire, motivate and teach people how to fish and, most importantly, why. For most of my life, I balked at getting a boat and learning how to fish in the deep blue because I thought it was too hard, too costly, and too time-consuming for my busy life. I was wrong to wait…

Small tinny boat

Sure, you don’t need a boat to be a successful fisherman. But a boat gets you places a surf rod won’t, and I had almost convinced myself that river, estuary, and shore fishing was enough for me until I went out on a limb and out of my comfort zone to purchase a small tinny.

2020 1850 Fisher Stabicraft boat

This tinny was supposed to prove that boat fishing wasn’t what I was looking for; instead, it turned me into a boating monster, upgrading to our first “real” boat in 2020. That was our 1850 Fisher Stabicraft, and then just 4 years later, we went bigger again, purchasing our 2250 Ultra Centre Cab Stabicraft at the end of 2024.

Nov 2024 2250 Stabicraft UCC

Anyway, fishing has no boundaries, and there’s always something new to learn or experience, so it’s about realising this, getting out there and wetting a line.

We’ll be posting regularly, so make sure you return or subscribe to our newsletter for more!