Duck proof chicken drinker

If you keep a flock of mixed poultry like ducks and chickens you'll soon find out that even though you have a dedicated bucket for your ducks they will find their way to the chicken drinkers also and make a right mess!

An easy fix to stop ducks from drinking (or using) the chickens drinkers, is to place the drinkers up higher and allow a block or brick for the chickens to jump up on to reach the drinker – this method works a treat.

See, most ducks are too clumsy and heavy to get their short little legs up on a brick so they return to using their own drinking bucket instead. As for the chickens, they may be a little perplexed at the start but they'll soon work out to jump up onto the brick to get a drink of water.

Bessa brick tip to stop ducks drinking from chicken drinkers

A duck proof chicken drinker will save you plenty of time cleaning out the drinker cups every few days and it's as easy as a brick!