There are plenty of things you can do with a glut of eggs, here's 10:

1. Mayonnaise – It uses eggs as the base for the recipe so make a big batch!

2. Custard – Make your own custard from scratch (so much better and healthier than pre-made junk).

3. Cheese cake – Some cheese cakes use a lot of eggs and who doesn’t like a cheese cake – YUM!

4. Pavlova – Uses lots of eggs (whites) so impress your friends and family with a massive pav!

5. Meringue – Make a meringue pie (or several) here's a top recipe from my mother inlaw.

6. Quiche – So easy to make and can easily take 10 or more eggs. Quiche freezes well too so make a few and whack them in the freezer for quick dinners!

7. Scrambled eggs – Uses a lot of eggs, is high in protein, and a fast meal for the family!

8. Pickle – Make pickled eggs – they are easy to do, taste great, and store well!

9. Feed back to the chickens – If you have your own chickens, there's no harm in feeding the eggs back to them. Just boil the eggs in a large pot and leave cool. Then, mash them shell and all with a potato masher or implement – feed to the hens – they love it!

10. Egg throwing contest – For a kids party, set up two grenade bays and have the children line up equally behind both with two eggs each. Out in front (about 20 metres) make a large plaster board target of a person for the kids to aim at and then give them the commands in turn: “Grenade bay 1 ready!”… “Throw!” “Grenade bay 2 ready!”…”Throw!” and so on…They will giggle with glee at seeing the eggs splatter on the target.

Can you add anything to my list? Feel free to comment below 🙂