Disease/Disorder Collection – Passionfruit Woodiness Virus

Name of Disorder: Passionfruit woodiness virus

Scientific name of pathogen causing disease: Potyvirus passionfruit woodiness virus

Type of disorder: Virus disease

Cause: The virus is spread by mainly two types of aphids; Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii. The virus can also be spread mechanically.

Host plant where found: Passionfruit vine (Passiflora edulis)

Horticulture situation or host range where this disorder is typically found: Passionfruit vines

Plant symptoms: Yellow mottling of leaves, leaves become crinkled and show light and dark green mosaic patterns. No fruit evident on vine.

Spread: The virus is spread by mainly two types of aphids; Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii. The virus can also be spread mechanically.

Conditions favouring: The presence of the two main types of aphids that will spread the virus. Infected plants and contaminated tools.

Control options suitable for this situation: Remove infected plant and replace with healthy specimen. Keep tools clean and monitor for aphids.

Identification Reference(including g page no): Plant protection 3, p F 91; Plant protection 1, p 273 – 292

The above information was kindly donated by Werner (Horticulturalist)