The flower Beetle is harmless in the garden
Common Name: Flower Beetle
Scientific Name: Glycyphana stolata
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Scarabaeidae
Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Native flowers and fruit tree flowers. The image in this post is of a flower beetle on a Meyer lemon flower.
Damaging stage (s): Adults feed on flowers but usually only the nectar and larva feeds on dead materials. Not considered a pest especially in small numbers.
Direct feeding damage: Not usually.
Life cycle: Complete metamorphosis – Eggs, larva, pupa, adult beetle
Spread: By winged forms flying, assisted by wind, from plant to plant.
Conditions favouring: Most active in spring and early summer.
Distinguishing features for identification: Usually found feeding on nectar not eating leaves or fruit. More than 4000 different types, colours, and shapes.
Control options available for this situation: Leave them alone as flower beetles don’t usually do much damage to plants.
Common Name: Rose Aphid
Scientific Name: Macrosiphum rosae
Order: Hemiptera
Host plant where found: Rose (Rosa spp.)
Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Roses
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Common Name: Rose Aphid
Scientific Name: Macrosiphum rosae
Order: Hemiptera
Host plant where found: Rose (Rosa spp.)
Host range or situation where pest is usually found: Roses
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