Beneficial garden insect collection European Honey Bee

Common Name: European honey bee

Scientific Name: Apis mellifera

Order: Hymenoptera

Horticultural situation where found: Most plants where nectar and pollen can be found. Extremely important for the pollination of backyard and commercial crops of fruit and vegetables. Probably one of the most active insect pollinators.

Method of feeding (including type of prey): Lapping mouthparts for eating nectar and pollen.

Life cycles: Complete metamorphosis – egg, larvae, pupa and adult.

Feeding stages: Larvae – royal jelly/honey and pollen. Adults – Nectar and pollen

Distinguishing features for identification: Amber to brown translucent with alternating black stripes, furry short coat. Size 1.3 cm. Gentle nature.

Commercial availability: Yes

Identification References (including page no): Plant protection 1, p 114 – 118

The above information and image was kindly donated by Werner (horticulturalist)